alfaTKG Co.,Ltd.

Information security basic policy

We have been responding to customer needs as a comprehensive solution manufacturer of software and IoT systems for small and medium-sized manufacturing industries. In order to continue to provide products and services that satisfy our customers, we will continue to maintain a basic information security policy in order to protect information assets in our highly information-oriented society from threats such as accidents, disasters, and crimes, and to live up to the trust of our customers and society. This policy will serve as a guideline for our company’s information security efforts.

1. Establishment of internal systems and information security policies
Our company will establish necessary management systems to maintain and improve security, and will establish necessary information security measures as formal internal rules.

2.Leadership Responsibility and Continuous Improvement
Our management will take the lead in ensuring that our company’s and our customers’ information assets are appropriately managed by complying with this policy.

3. Compliance with laws, regulations, and contractual requirements
Our employees will comply with laws, regulations, and norms related to information assets used in business activities, as well as security requirements in contracts with customers.

4.Employee Initiatives
Our employees acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain and improve information security, and ensure our efforts toward information security.

5.Response to violations and accidents
We have established a system to respond to violations and information security incidents related to information security laws, regulations, norms, and contracts with customers, and reduce the impact of violations and accidents. To do.

6.Organizational structure for information security 
An Information Security Committee will be established as an organization to promote information security measures activities. The Information Security Committee has the following structure and is responsible for understanding the status of information security measures, formulating and reviewing guidelines regarding information security measures, and sharing information regarding information security measures.

Information security officerCEO
Information security officerCEO
Information security department managerEach department manager
System AdministratorMarket Engineering Manager
education managerDirector of Corporate Planning
Incident response officer
Personal information Complaint response officer
Director of Corporate Planning
User support deskColeu Center 03-6262-6334
Audit/Inspection Responsible PersonEngineering section manager
Specific personal information Person in charge of administrationCEO
Specific personal information Person in charge of administrationHead of Business Administration

January 1, 2018
alfaTKG Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Toshio Takagi