alfaTKG Co.,Ltd.

alfaDOCK users

We would like to introduce some of the companies that have introduced our services.
(*In no particular order, title omitted)


We will solve your company's problems in one go!

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Technical Support Center (Weekdays 9:00-17:00)


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Technical Center (Weekdays 9:00-17:00)

We will contact you within 1 business day

Characteristics of alfaDOCK
[Fully automatic] Data ownership

alfaDOCK automatically collects various data (up to 12 locations) at the customer’s factory. Data can be checked without going to the office. No need to worry about telework support.

[Don't get lost] Automatically summarize drawing numbers

alfaDOCK automatically organizes the collected data  by drawing numbers. Just print paper data such as work instructions! Automatically collects and organizes information. You no longer have to worry about searching for information about drawing numbers.

[Surprise] Artificial intelligence search

With a large amount of drawing data accumulated, it is no longer possible to search for similar drawings manually. In such a case, search in one go with alfaDOCK’s artificial intelligence search!

[Extensibility] Many applications available​

The data automatically collected by drawing number is linked with various applications such as “Cloud process management (GAIA process NAVI”, “Estimation software (GAIA quotation)”, “Production management (alfaERP)”, etc., and can be used just by purchasing the application.

alfaDOCK implementation example
[Data ownership, search effort reduced by 30%]
30% reduction in searching time/Completely paperless drawings
40% reduction in process management man-hours 

Consultation/Request for materials

Technical Support Center (Weekdays 9:00-17:00)


Request a web demo

Technical Center (Weekdays 9:00-17:00)

We will contact you within 1 business day